31st July 2018 All Work and No Pay: Volunteering Law

If your organisation or charity benefits from the assistance of volunteers, you’ll know how gratefully received their help can be. Giving up their time and effort to work for you, volunteers can gain experience and personal gratification – but without pay, they are not classed...

30th June 2018 Manufacturers Need to Prioritise Cyber Security, Warn Experts

In 2011, the government and IT specialists Detica undertook a study which suggested that hi-tech manufacturers, including those working in aerospace, electronics and pharmaceuticals, were high-risk targets for cyber crime. Yet despite this caution, less than a third (31%) of manufacturers see cyber security as a...

31st May 2018 Is Your Car a Classic Yet?

Car manufacturers will often boast the launch of an “instant classic” fully in the knowledge that cars need to be around 20 years or older to be deemed a “classic”. And that’s just for insurance purposes, depending on each provider. When it comes to defining a...

30th April 2018 What You Need to Do if Your Charity is Changing

It can be an incredibly exciting time when things have been going well at your charity and you can start to think about expanding, bringing in more staff or introducing new events and activities. But a crucial part of these growth plans is making sure...